G&C Foods Customer Story: Focused on Trailer Performance

A G&C Foods trailer, manufactured by Great Dane

A company culture is nurtured every day through employee interactions and the philosophies that drive the company’s success. For G&C Foods, that means focusing on the needs of its people — whether they’re in the office or out on the road.

Driver Safety Depends on Quality Workmanship

Trailer equipment has a huge impact on driver safety and retention. “G&C Foods is committed to providing the safest environment available, regardless of costs, for our driver and warehouse personnel,” Clark said. “Our local service center works hard to make sure equipment is fixed in a timely manner and done right the first time.”

“G&C has a great business relationship with Great Dane,” he continued. “One of the primary reasons we lease Great Dane trailers is the quality workmanship that goes into each unit and the safety options available on these trailers.”

Specialized Reefers and Improved Trailer Performance

G&C Foods takes advantage of Everest’s special features to enhance their trailer usage. “Although G&C Foods has always concentrated on making sure products are transported in the cleanest environment possible, FSMA and recent health concerns from other industries have put even more of a focus on proper handling and transportation of food products to our customers,” Clark said. “We use multi-temp trailers, divided into fresh, frozen and dry compartments to make sure the integrity of all items isn’t compromised while transporting from our warehouse to our end user.”

Reefers demand a lot of care, including regular washouts and strict attention to sanitization guidelines. Great Dane’s exclusive ThermoGuard liner, infused with Microban® Technology, helps G&C Foods in those efforts.

This proactive technology is built into the liners of Great Dane’s Everest reefer trailers during the manufacturing process, so it never wears off. This allows for cleaner food storage, cuts odors, and helps refrigerated trailers comply with the strict guidelines of the FSMA.

ThermoGuard is also virtually impenetrable, significantly reducing moisture and eliminating almost all insulation outgassing. While no liner can completely prevent insulation degradation, ThermoGuard is designed to slow the process, preserving thermal integrity over the lifetime of a trailer.

Telematics Can Enhance Thermal Integrity

To ensure the compartments stay cool, G&C leverages reefer trailer telematics to track temperatures from the time a shipment leaves the warehouse until it arrives at its destination. “G&C Foods is always trying to stay at the front of the line with fleet technology,” Clark said. “To track our fleet of Great Dane trailers, we have employed Thermo King’s tracking technology with REB wireless communication, which allows us to remotely and historically locate trailers, change set points, check fuel levels and run reports. Employing this has impacted our equipment utilization by taking the potential for error out of tracking our trailers, allowing us to cut miles and maximize the use of each of our trailers.”

G&C Foods: Committed to Teamwork

The company’s drivers are based in different locations along the eastern seaboard — from Springfield, Massachusetts, to Tampa, Florida. While distance may separate them, clear and constant communication brings the G&C Foods team together. “This approach to what is definitely a fast-paced business climate, has proven to be very successful in building the positive culture at G&C Foods,” Clark said. Trailer technology and quality workmanship can go a long way toward enhancing driver safety, impacting company culture for years to come.

Interested in learning how you can use the G&C Foods solution? Get in contact to explore the possibilities with Great Dane.

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*Microban® technology is not designed to protect users against foodborne illnesses or disease-causing microorganisms. Microban Products Company makes neither direct nor implied health claims. Normal cleaning practices should be maintained.